Virgin Birth of Christ

 Jesus Christ is the greatest gift to the world.   Every man or woman has an earthly father or mother.  But Jesus Christ had no earthly father because he was born by a virgin and a virgin is a woman who has not known any man. This is one of the important doctrines of the bible that cannot be put aside or under emphasized, because it shows the divinity of Christ. 

Proof of the virgin birth of Christ

Firstly, Jesus never called Joseph (carpenter) his father, though he called some people his mother and his sisters, but he always referred to God in heaven as his father, because it was the holy spirit that overshadowed Mary and made her to conceive.

More so, it was an angel that announced Jesus' birth, although we have other men who angels announced their birth like Samson and also John the Baptist, but none was born by a virgin.

Joseph was not able to put Mary away even though she had a child before they married, Joseph wanted to put her away put an angel had to appear to Joseph for him not to put her away.

Significance of the virgin birth of Christ

The virgin birth of Christ made Jesus to be free from the Adamic nature so that he would be without sin so that his blood will be pure to wash away our sins.

It is only Jesus Christ who was born of a virgin and would ever be. Jesus Christ is also the greatest man that has gone through earth because he is the son of God.

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