all men where sinners from birth (depravity of man).

Sin came into this world by a man called Adam; he ate the fruit of good and evil which was forbidden by God.  He was driven away from the Garden of Eden because of his disobedience (Genesis 2:17), the same way God will not allow any one into his kingdom who is still a sinner.  Therefore, sin is inherited by anybody born into this world or born of a woman.

All have sinned.

Sin is anything that is not pleasing and does not meet to the spiritual standard of God.  No man can obey God’s commandment by his or her strength (Romans 3 : 23). Therefore, God had made a provision for us on the cross of Calvary, where Jesus shed his blood for the redemption and remission of sins.  (John 3; 16). which makes us to be free from sin and condemnation.  (Romans 6;1).

What sin does in a sinner’s life?

Sin causes spiritual death, loss of freedom and can even lead to physical death, it also causes separation from God.

People should flee from all forms of sin. To prevent the wrath of God in their lives.

In conclusion, Jesus is the only one that can forgive and cleanse all unrighteousness.

Please constantly view my blog. Stay and remain blessed.


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