Repentance Isaiah 55;7 

Adam and Eve sinned against God and did not ask God for forgiveness, they only shifted and pushed the blame from one person to another, if they had asked for forgiveness God would have allowed them to continue to stay in the Garden of Eden (proverbs 28:13).  The same for a sinner who doesn’t ask God for forgiveness will also perish in hell fire.

What is Repentance?

Repentance is the act of asking God to forgive one's sin and also turning away from every known sin. 

A story was told of a girl, her name was Sola who claimed to be a child of God, she gave her offerings and tithes and also dressed as a Christian, but sometimes still got angry.  One day she went to a school fellowship and heard about sinners, pretenders, and the punishment of God. She felt sorrowful and confessed her sins and gave her life to Christ, this story is given credit to   PST WF. KUMUYI  

Jesus is the only one that assures true repentance to sinners. So, if you want to repent from your sins just call upon him and he will answer you. 

stay and remain blessed.


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