
 Justification(Romans 3:24,5:9,Titus 3:7)

The word justification is a legal term conversant with lawyers and justice systems, saying a man is justified means he is not guilty this is what Christ Jesus achieved on the cross for every believing Christian when He said it is finished he dealt with the issue of condemnation, there is therefore now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus had made me free from the law of sin and death  (Romans 8:1,2)

what is Justification ?
Justification means Gods total forgiveness from all sins, recognized as a saint before God by the sacrificial death of Christ on the Cross, this is also an act of Gods Grace, He grants us Justification through faith, it can never be by our works it is purely a gift of God to all who come to him and want to spend their life with him. With no further a do, I will like to speak on why we need Justification or even crave for it, people even in the world won't be happy without been granted Justice, Then how can we imagine a Christian or Christianity at large without Justification, we must also have a strong desire to possess Justification on till we have it because it offers full assurance of salvation and make us to be bold as Christians knowing fully well that all our sins has been forgiven and we have no skeleton in our cupboards, it also clears away every form of doubt that we have been through grace, and the devil will not be able to steal our salvation from us once we have true justification in our heart.
In conclusion, justification is very important and we must have it in our life to continue to grow spiritually. How then can a man be Justified? The bible says therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through our lord Jesus Christ by whom also we have access by faith of the son of God and ask him to Justify us, shalom !!!.

see you in my next article. 
