
Restitution (GEN 20:18)

Restitution is the act of making right the wrong done by a person.  In other words, saying sorry for the past wrong done by one after given his or her life to Christ.  This assures full forgiveness and true repentance of sins.  This is one of the most neglected cardinal doctrines of the bible.

why? Because people are looking at the cost of practicing restitution, ignorant of the consequences of not practicing restitution.

The consequences of not practicing restitution are far larger and worse than the price or cost of persecution people think they cannot bear.  People who do not restitute are likened to a situation whereby a person steals a particular woren item from a person.  And goes out for evangelism and witnesses to a person whom he stole that woren item from ,lets imagine do you think that person will concentrate on what he is saying and when he or she finds out that is his or her stolen item what do we think will happen to the person preaching, the person off course will be greatly disgraced and embraced , this story or scenario means that restitution prevents embracement and disgrace even here on earth , it also gives a clear conscience and a pure heart and reputation and also spiritual image  void of sin and offence, At most the person will lose everything the person is trying to keep, because he who saves his life will lose it, some people are afraid of practicing it, because they are afraid to die nobody has an excuse not to die because Jesus  died a shameful death for us sinners even though he did not commit any sin, so if we must lose our life for the case of restitution then there should be no need to fear because as Christians there is a price that every Christain must pay, because we must work out our salvation with fear and trembling and make sure that nothing stops us from entering the kingdom of heaven(Philippians 2:12). Though I can agree that there are some very delicate issues or cases of restitution that require praying, and fasting, and also consultation of some spiritual leaders who preach the full gospel and doctrine of the bible. The essence of restitution cannot be over emphasized.

I will also talk about a man in the bible called Zaccheus, he was a very bad man he was a tax collector so he normally stole and defrauded  many people while collecting their tax, one blessed day he heard about Jesus and wanted to see him but a very large crowd followed Jesus and Zaccheus was a very small and petite man so he could not see through  the crowd , he had to climb a sycamore tree and there Jesus saw him and told him to come down ,that he was coming to his house today, he led him to his house , he got saved and said those he had defrauded he will  repay  four times what he defrauded them and half of his money he will give to the poor, Jesus did not have to tell Zaccheus to practice restitution before he knew he had to do it he did that to have a clear conscience and regain back a good image and reputation (Luke 19:1-10) .

In conclusion, to escape danger of hell fire and eternal destruction we have to practice faithfully restitution.


I live you with this word if you save your live you will lose it and if you give your life, you will gain it (John 12:25,6:39, Luke 17:33).


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