water baptism 

{Matthew 28:19,3;13-17.Mark 16:15,16}

Am going to be talking about water baptism and how we can effectively practice water baptism and at most know what water baptism is. 

what is baptism ?

Baptism can be defined as the immersion of something or someone in a liquid or substance such as water, baptism was gotten from a Greek word Baptizo, Furthermore, what is water baptism this is the total immersion of someone or something in water . but in this case i am focusing on the immersion of someone in water, notice i stated the word "total immersion". Because water baptism must be done by total and full  immersion in water. This also part of one of the most cardinal doctrines in the bible, it is also most times misunderstood and not practiced by various people.

various wrong methods of water baptism 

  • baptism by sprinkling 
  • baptism by crossing 
  • baptism in swimming pools 
  • baptism from birth 
  • baptism of sinners  
This is the method of baptism were by people are baptized by been sprinkled water, This is not scriptural an is not allowed biblically.

I call this baptism by crossing because it is the of using water to make the sign on people who come to be baptized it is also an unscriptural way of baptism . 

This is scripturally not write because the representation of water baptism is that the water will wash our sins away and that can only happen in a flowing water like a river, also our Lord Jesus Christ was baptized in a flowing water .

This is practiced in some churches were immediately a child is born or dedicated will or can be baptized this a wrong way of water baptism because only people in who are genuinely born again and also people who are conscious or aware of their surrounding .

This is also liken to the baptism above were by people who are not recognized in the kingdom of God are publicizing that they are christian because that is what baptism shows that we are now for Christ and that we were dead and risen with Christ .

People most times take the doctrine of water baptism to the extreme some people say that without been baptized we can make heaven will some people say that water baptism should not be practiced because of all the controversies about how people should practice water baptism 

Although water baptism is very important it should not be idolized by saying that without it people cannot make heaven with out it , it is to fulfill all righteousness as our lord Jesus said .

it should also not be treated with lackadaisical attitude it is also very important in the life of a believer.
In conclusion, we must be saved by his grace and also we should also be baptized since our lord Jesus was Baptized.  
