
 Good afternoon my ever-viewing viewers, welcome back to my blog, pls continue to view and to share this blog posts.

Well let's leave all the chit-chats and jump right into the topic for today which is a very unique and interesting one. I hope you enjoy this new font for these posts, pls if you know that this font is hard and difficult to see or understand pls share your thoughts with me in the comments section. Thanks, as you comply.

Redemption, what do we understand by redemption, according to apple dictionary redemption means "The action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil.

This is actually a wonderful work of grace that Christ has done for us, I will give a scenario of a slave , when a slave is being sold on the auction , the person that pays or should I say buys the slave is known as the redeemer, My point is we are slaves to sin and Jesus bought us , now Jesus didn't buy us with material things like the way slaves are bought , but we are bought Christ blood which was shed on Calvary on that wreathed cross , and the bible told us that cursed is he that hanged on the tree, This was referring to Jesus dyeing on the Cross which was of course made of wood just like a tree . 

This is redemption .....................

And of course, for us to have full redemption we must agree to be redeemed, just like the slave must be forced to be sold before he can be totally redeemed, and how would fall if you saved a slave and you paid with your most special thing and then that slave is then disobeying you and obeying his former master who was treating him badly, this is just like you obeying the devil and not following Jesus that treats you so well and has great plans for you .

in conclusion 

*Redemption is a two-man business and not one sided*


Exodus 15;26

Deuteronomy 7;15

Luke 13;16

Romans 3;24

Obadiah 17.

credits; apple dictionary, a DCLM app for hymns., and off course the greatest one of all GOD.

See no evil🙈 Hear no evil 🙉Speak no evil🙊.

