The Lord's Supper .........

What do you understand by the lord's supper well there are so many conspiracy theorems about the lord's supper about the time, how and when it should take place. If you had these questions in your mind, then you are on the right page.

Well ..........😅

I am here to clear your doubts on the right way to practice the Lord's Supper as a matter of fact , We had the Lord's Supper in our Church today , So by the grace of God,  I will be talking by experience , but don't forget that is not the best Teacher the Holy Spirit is ............. , Lets live that for another day alright, let's leave the chatting and  jump right into the topic for today. 

Alright don't forget the topic we are treating is, THE LORD'S SUPPER, so we are going to take a little explanation of the Lord's supper from a DCLM app where I saw a brief explanation of the Lord's Supper, So I quote. 

''God's word teaches: 

That the Lord's supper was instituted by Jesus Christ so that all believers (all members of the family of God) might partake thereof regularly, to shew the Lord's death till he come.''.

Now we take it from here, now you know what the Lord's supper all is about, this was the one of the two things that Jesus mainly told us to keep in remembrance of him. Therefore, it should be followed and be practiced as we are being commanded in God's Word. 

Let's also take note of what the word supper means, according to Merriam Webster dictionary it is " a light meal served late in the evening ". Now let's look at that word '' late in the evening ''. This means that since our Lord Jesus took the meal late in the evening, doesn't that mean we should also practice it late in the evening, that is what it actually means, so I have outlined a point, the lord supper should be taken late in the evening as it is the lord's supper and not the lord's breakfast or lunch, this is what some churches are missing, but now as you are reading this post you will now know how it is done . 

WARNING !!!!!!!!!!!💥💥💥💥💥

Not anybody or should I say everybody can take part in the lord's supper, surprised! Yes, it is true, as not to face the consequences of taking the Lord's supper unworthily (1 Corinthians 11:30). But don't be scared of taking the lord's supper if you are a Born-Again Christian, but even if you are not born again there is still hope for you, you can just accept Jesus as your personal lord and Savior just by following these steps.

  • Realize that you are a sinner.
  • Accept Jesus as your personal Lord and savior.
  • Believe that he came to die for your sins.
  • Confess your sins unto him.
  • Decide to follow Jesus.
  • Ask for grace to live above sin daily.
And after you have followed does steps you will become a Born-Again Christian and you will be fit to take the lord's supper.

You may ask, what is even the Importance of the Lord's supper?????

  • Jesus commands us to do it in remembrance of him.
  • What will stop a person from partaking from the Lord's supper can also prevent the person from going to heaven (not in all cases though).
  • It also makes us to take part in the celebration that Jesus made with his disciples before he left earth. 
  • And we can also be renewed and be sanctified through the celebration as the emblems used are representing the body and the blood of Jesus. 
So, the basic outline is ........

  • sinners cannot partake in the lord's supper as they can fall sick or even face grave consequences as the celebration is sacred.
  • The Lord supper should also take place late in the night.


Matthew 26:29

Luke 22:1,7-20

1 Corinthians 11:2

Revelation 19;7-8

I hope you have been blessed today by this write up pls continue to follow this blog as we follow Christ and don't forget to follow and to share God's word with your friend and family, God bless you immensely, 

see no evil 🙈, hear no evil 🙉, speak no evil 🙊

