
So, our topic for today is Marriage.

Verse supporting marriage

Isaiah 62:5

For as a young man marrieth a virgin, so shall thy sons marry thee: and as the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so shall thy God rejoice over thee.

what do we know about marriage. many of us might say or have been taught that marriage is the joining of a man and a woman legally together to become husband and wife. well that of course is well said, but the Christian definition will be ....

The joining of a man and a woman as husband and wife legally in holy matrimony. 

So, we have gone through the diverse definitions of the word "marriage".

Let's now go into the common things that happen in marriage.


This is one of the things some people have misconceptions about, let me now clarify this, the word of God is clearly against divorce, because the word of God says in his word that whatever God has joined let it not be put asunder and also the bible also says that you can only put away your wife if she commits FORNICATION. 

Now you may say that a married woman cannot commit fornication so why did Jesus say only if your wife commits fornication, what the bible was talking about here was that when a person has planned to marry a woman and later discovers that the woman lied to him that she was a virgin or is caught sleeping with another man even after he has paid the dowry, he can then choose to opt out of the marriage because he has not slept with her and are not fully married like that, well if you have more questions about this concept or topic pls ask in the comments below.

No.2 Gay Marriages 

Can a Christian partake in gay marriages?

What does gay marriage even mean? 

So gay marriage can be simply put as the same sex marriage because this is when two people of the same gender come together and even legally to get married which is a very odd type of marriage that is not acceptable in the Bible as God hate’s homosexuality and lesbianism.

This can be simply 

Well, the simple answer is of course NO.

Because Jesus Christ our lord and Saviour condemns it.    

So any topic I have not talked about in marriage you can also say it in the  comments section 

So in summary God instituted the institution called marriage and Christian can get married in the way of the way of the lord. And the not embrace worldliness in the name of marriage.

Maranata !!!!!

And remember see no evil 🙈hear no evil🙉and speak no evil 🙊

And don’t forget Jesus Loves you ❤️
