
Good afternoon my viewers and welcome back to my Christian blog community. I might have not been posting for some time now, you would have noticed if you were following this blog. Because I said I will be posting on Sundays and I am very sorry πŸ˜’ for the skipping of weeks, but there is a lot I have dropped there for you as I have posted about 20 posts.  But pls if you are new to this blog, I would like to say that you should scroll to the first post and follow it continuously, so you understand and be fully blessed through this post.

So the topic/doctrine that I would be talking about is Rapture, Now, what is rapture, Rapture can be defined as the catching away of the saints when Jesus comes in the air, and the trumpet will sound and only those who are ready for the rapture will hear.

So what is the time, or date of the rapture. As it says in God’s word nobody, not even the angels know the date that the lord will come. But Jesus told us the signs that will occur to show that the rapture will soon take place. What are the signs that will occur. Let’s dive into it. 

There will be events like rumors of war, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, and so on. This will be the signs to show that the rapture will soon occur. And this signs are already occurring which means the rapture is so near. 

So what can you do to be ready for the rapture, you would have to prepare like Jesus was coming tomorrow, because he can actually come tomorrow he can even come as I am writing this post, Yes, it is that serious, and you have to go with the rapture, because what will happen here on earth when the saints are gone will be very terrible πŸ˜’, it is the great tribulation. 

What is the great tribulation what does it even entail πŸ€”. This is what will happen to backsliden saints who were careless and people who will not receive the mark of the beast which is “666”. And you might say why don’t they want to take the mark, the reason is people who receive the mark can never make it to heaven, but for the people that can stand firm even despite the torture not to take the mark still have the chance of making it to heaven but at a very great cost as there will be no Holy Spirit and no grace as at this time, and if the person was not be able to make it to heaven during the period of grace and when the Holy Spirit was still with us, is it now when all this personalities have gone from the earth they would then make it.

So gird up your loins now if you are a sinner and come to Jesus so that you can go with the saints to meet Jesus in the air as that will be the time of the Belmar seat (The marriage supper of the lamb when Jesus will be giving gifts πŸŽ in a large feast I suppose, with the saints and there will be great joy in heaven.) Won’t you want to be there, rather than running and hiding from the anti-Christ as that is the person that would take over the world and persecute the people who won’t take the mark of the beast and the sinners who take it will spend an eternity in hell fire πŸ”₯. I am sure you wouldn’t want to go to hell fire πŸ”₯. Even if you say you want to go there is because you have not been there. And people that go there cannot choose to come back to tell their experience. 

In order to avoid that, if you are a sinner you can just take this simple steps and leave a holy life according to the Bible and you would be saved.

1)Accept Jesus as your lord and savior 

2)Believe that he came to die for you 

3)Confess all your sins to him with exception of none 

4)Decide to follow Jesus 

5)Forsake your past sins 

6)Ask for grace daily to live above sin. 

Once you have taken this steps you are now saved. That will be the end of this post. Like I said if you a new person to the blog, pls do well to check out the past blog posts as they can bless you and enrich your soul.

Bible references 

John 14:1-3

Acts 1:9-11

Genesis 5:24 

Hebrews 12:14

Matthew 24:42-44.

Thank you for reading to the end, don’t forget to share, follow and constantly view this blog. God bless you. Remember see no evil πŸ™ˆ hear no evilπŸ™‰ and say no evil πŸ™Š

MARANATA !!!!!!!
