The resurrection of the dead.

Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog community, and today we are going to be talking about the resurrection of the dead πŸ’€. Well, you may say isn’t that a spooky πŸ‘» topic. Well, Yes and no as it is one of the doctrines of the Bible. 

This topic is telling us about the end Time. Eschatology, which can be defined as the study πŸ“š of the end Time. So this word is actually associated with our topic as that can be one of the topics in that course. 

There is going to be the resurrection of the dead in the end of time, when Jesus comes. Because there is going to be a new heaven and a new earth πŸŒ. And also the lake of fire πŸ”₯. This is where all of humanity will either go to and you can’t be in the two or none. You must go to one of these places at the end of time, but the blessedness or horror of it is that in either of the places a person goes. The person will live forever. Yea, forever and ever. But the dead in Christ shall rise first that is what the Bible says. That is also when the millennial reign will take place around that period I think, but all this is not really what we should dwell on as Christians (I speak of myself)as it was written in God’s word for the purpose of telling us what will happen and the things we stand to enjoy or suffer if we accept Christ or reject him. What I feel is that we should be focused on living the Christian live. Living holy and acceptable unto God as that is a reasonable sacrifice. And God will be happy with us.

So if you want to be part of the people that will rise first. You can just accept Jesus as your lord and savior and believe he came to die for you and ask for forgiveness of sins and continue to follow and ask for grace daily to live the Christian life. 

πŸ™ for πŸ“– I hope you enjoyed it, if you did don’t forget to share, follow and consistently view this blog.
