The great tribulation

Good day everyone and a happy πŸ˜ƒ Sunday to everyone. I hope you are enjoying your weekend. Rest very well and enjoy this post. 

Well …….

Looks like during this period we are going to be talking about the end times. And the occurrences that happen in that period. 

The topic for today will be ……

Guess πŸ˜ƒπŸ™ƒ….

The topic will be on great tribulation. Yes, so what will be the great tribulation. Now if you are a Christian and you are sure you are going to heaven you should not be afraid πŸ˜± to hear or read about this topic as you will not partake in it. 

But you will still need to know and read about this topic so that you can know the urgency of soul winning πŸ†. And also, to work out πŸ’ͺ your salvation with fear πŸ˜° and trembling. And to make sure you don’t backslide or go back to the world πŸŒŽ.

So, what is this topic all about, this topic is referring to what will happen to those who will miss the rapture. 

Come !!!!!, Let me gist you about what will happen to those who miss the rapture πŸ˜€πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜„πŸ˜….There will be great suffering for those who will not be raptured. Because the anti christ will give a number that must be given to everyone which will be the number ‘666’. 

And some people are going to say that they would not want the mark of the beast which is ‘666’. Because those who have the mark will be doomed for hell fire πŸ”₯ and at that time people who don’t take the mark will be severely dealt with. And will suffer tribulation and suffering.

This is when backslidden Christians or people will have to seal their testimony with their blood πŸ©Έ. This period will be a sad and terrible πŸ˜’ period. What do we have to do to make it to the rapture and escape the great tribulation. 

For believers 

Continue to follow God’s word consistently and believe in his word and be very careful in how you handle your Christian life. 

For sinners 

You have to firstly give your life to Christ follow these steps:

Accept Jesus as your personal lord and savior.

Believe that Jesus came to die for you.

Confess your sins to God.

Decide to follow God forever.

Forsake your sins.

And once you follow these steps you will now become a born-again Christian child πŸ§’ of God. And once you follow the things to do as a believer you can miss the great tribulation. 

Thanks for viewing and reading πŸ“– to the end, I hope you are blessed πŸ˜‡ through this post, if yes πŸ™Œpls share, follow and comment your thought πŸ’­. 

Thank you πŸ™.

