The Millennial reign


Welcome back to Jdsignate Blogs. I hope you have been blessed by the diverse posts we have released, also if you are not following us yet, you can do that so that you can be notified on your reading list when we post. Now let's move to what we have for today. we would be reviewing another doctrine of the bible. Which is the millennial reign of Christ. So what is the millennial reign of Christ?

This exhibits the millennial reign of Christ


This is the period in time after the Great Tribulation/ Rapture of the saints, but before the Great white throne judgement, The Lord will reign physically over Israel and all the nations of the world, recall that it was the Anti-Christ that was ruling the earth before the battle of Armageddon, Now in this period it will be GOD who will now reign over the earth for A THOUSAND YEARS ( that is like one, two, three to a thousand years) Isaiah 2:4, 42:1, but you know the beautiful thing about it ? It will be a very peaceful reign and even at this time Satan has been thrown into the bottomless pit to be falling for a thousand years. 

The milliennial reign of Christ will be as long as a thousand years

So, just imagine a world without SATAN and other evil things for a thousand years, that is like heaven i should say 😆. And it will be Saints of God that will then be ruling as governors and other seats of power. the political system will then be full of CHRISTIANS RULING CHRISTIANS, what a blissful society that will be, I pray we shall all be part of the millennial reign IN JESUS NAME. 

Thinking what the purpose is of the second coming.

What is the purpose of the millennial reign?

I should say this period is probably another edification process for the saints and also to show how the world would be like if God will reign and saints being in the seats of power, but it is also for the restoration of Israel. Well, I feel it is only God that can actually say the purpose. But if you have a contradiction, you can tell me in the comment section and also be sure to follow the blog as that will be Heavenly. 

Not sure

Do I need to be a part of the millennial reign?

YES, you really need to, because it will be a beautiful time after the raptured saints and the saints who were able to seal their testimony with blood by not taking the mark even after so much torture and may even be killed. will be together reigning and serving the LORD MOST HIGH. 

How do I become a part of the millennial reign?

First you must be born again and how do you do that, you can just follow these steps

  • Accept Jesus as your lord and Savior.
  • Believe that he came to die for you. 
  • Confess your sins to God. 
  • Decide to follow Jesus. 
  • Forsake your sins. 
  • And ask for Grace daily to live above sin.
Thank you

Once you have followed these steps you are now a CHILD OF GOD, and you can now be part of the millennial reign. But you have to still be faithful to God and workout your salvation with fear and trembling. Philippians 2:12.

That will be end of today's review of bible doctrines, please be sure to share, follow and comment. My name is David, this is Jdsignate Blogs, and I will catch you in the next one.
