Death a compulsory phase for all.


This is Jdsignate blogs, and I will love to welcome you back to this blog, I hoped you have enjoyed our previous posts and guess what. we have a new post for you today, which is a little bit spooky, which is on DEATH. This will be the center of discussion for today. let's begin.

Death is a compulsory phase for all humans. All living things must pass through this phase, the mystery about death is that you never know when it is your turn to die.  But I would like to ask a rhetorical question "How are we preparing for death?". When a person dies, one takes nothing away from this world as "Empty handed we came, Empty handed we return."

As a Christian, we should be prepared for life after death and be Heavenly minded. I quote from John 14:2 "In my father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you." from that scripture we see that Jesus has promised to prepare a place for us. A place with peace, joy, riches and his Glory. so, we must strive to make it to heaven. As the kingdom suffereth violence in Matthew 11:12. 

In addition, we must have it in mind that we are just in this world to carry out a specified assignment. our primary assignment is to gain more people into the house of God, we should not neglect the great commission given to us, we should also brace ourselves for the judgment day. The day we shall stand before our Creator to account for all we have used life for on earth. were the children of God will be separated from the unbelievers. this brings this question to mind "Are we true children of God?" Because not all that call themselves Christians are children of God. But all those that have Christ like behavior.

I would want us to check our lives today and also be watchful and prayerful, to stand against Satan's temptation. Thank you for joining for this blog post, I hoped you benefitted from it, if you did, please be sure to share, follow and comment on this blog. 

So, my name is Abigial (Emerald), this is Jdsignate blogs, and I will catch you in the next one.
