Marriage tips

 Should I “Marry My Friend” or “Marry God's, Will “

Recently, there has been a contention between people saying, “Marrying Your Friend” and “Marry God's will”. Your single period is a time not just to learn, unlearn and relearn but also to Master the voice of God to make your journey through life easy when it's a time to make a choice. God must influence every choice you make to make your journey easier.

As touching the transition from the marital status “Single” to “Married” life, many individuals go with the option of marrying their friend which is not out of place prolyl because of the duration of time which they've known each other and the degree of tolerance, good and bad sides which they've known and have seen that they can cope with. Some base their conviction on fully receiving a fresh person they may not have met before or may have come in contact with before the moment of choice. They believe as long as God (The Supreme Being) led them, they'll be all round compatible in physical, spiritual, and emotional life.

God's will concerning marriage can either be your friend or someone outside your friend circle but there must have been a meeting point. If God's will lies among your friends' circle, that's easier but work still has to be done if it lies outside your friends' circle, more work needs to do to know the person better and for things to run smoothly.

In summary, your spouse can be within or outside your friend's circle. And both options require your commitment, time, patience, resources, and most importantly prayer. Your friend can either or not be God's will for you as written in the volume of books. God for God's perfect will and not his permissive will. Scaling through life will be easier if you got your missing rib through his leading. Don't forget to share, follow and comment in the blog. So, my name is Caleb, this Jdsignate blogs, and I will catch you in the next one. 
