What will happen at Christ's Second Coming?


Hi everyone, and welcome to Jdsignate Blogs, if you have been following this blog you would notice that our former domain name is no more showing Christian content, that is because that blog has been deleted and now, I have moved to a new domain name, which is jdsignatures.blogspot.com, though I still remain Jdsignate, just that ‘blog’ just been added to make it catchier. But guess what now Jdsignate Team has grown as we will now consist of three contributors. That means we will be offering you more content than usual and more frequently. Plus, we will now be offering you Christian motivational messages, marriage tips, doctrines of the bible reviews, topics in the Christian niche and so much more.


But for today we will be reviewing the next doctrine on the list which is the “THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST”. Firstly, let me give a small intro of the topic, The second coming is the time at which Jesus will come to the earth and will be physically seen in the sky this is the time at which Jesus will come to destroy the works of darkness and also the evil people in the world at that time. this is the time where the battle of the Armageddon and also the millennial reign will begin. Now we would answer the most frequently asked questions relating to this topic, let’s go…...

What will happen at Christ's Second Coming?

According to the book of Revelation and other books of the bible that talk about the end time, two main events will happen and there will also be phenomenon that will happen at that time. Let us go into the phenomenon that will happen, that is the ability for everyone to see Jesus physically in the sky and it will be everyone in the world that will see Jesus in the sky at the same time as their will be no time difference at that time concerning the event.


Now we go into the events that will happen, Firstly the battle of Armageddon. This is a battle that will be between the Anti-Christ and Jesus Christ. The anti-Christ will first be fighting the Jews who are the people of God and until they cry unto God before Jesus will come to their rescue. That is when Jesus will appear in the sky, then the anti-Christ will try to fight with Jesus and then Jesus will just speak a word and fire will come and consume the whole army of the anti-Christ then the millennial reign will then take place, we will not talk much about the millennial reign as we will talk about that in a different post so stay tuned.


What is the difference between the first and Second Coming?

The difference between the first coming and the second coming is that in the first coming only the saints of God will be raptured and will see him, while in the second coming all eyes shall see him.


Is Jesus coming back?

Off course, if he was not coming, the basis of this post will be useless, it is proven with many signs and scriptures of the bible that Jesus Christ is coming.


What are the warnings and promises of the Second Coming?

Hhmm, the warnings, I feel the most important warning to you is that you should be first a partaker of the first coming that is to say everyone should be ready for the rapture. And the promises are available to saints of God that will make the rapture and be participants of his first coming. Which most importantly is the event of the millennial reign. 


That will be the end of today’s post, don’t forget to share and comment, let’s make the word of God go as far as possible. My name is David, this is Jdsignate Blogs, and I will catch you in the next one.

