Five deep things noboby might tell you about this song.

 Good afternoon and welcome back to Jdsignate Blogs, we hope you have been blessed by our previous posts and if you are new here after you have read this post you can check out our previous posts and also follow this blog. Well, today we are going to talk about something different, and not the regular bible doctrines reviews that is meant to be posted about today. Today we will be reviewing and giving you the deep meaning of a song, I came across and I decided to share my thoughts about it. Now let’s go into 5 deep things people might not tell you about this song, the video is shown below. Click on it to watch, so you can understand what I am talking about better.

Firstly, we can see that the song started with the word “AMEN AMEN.” now you may be deceived that this song is a Christian song, well your kind of right and mostly wrong, because I would say it is a song that really mocks the Christian faith, these words said are more likely representing the group of people he is probably referring to in the song, so you can call that the Christian signature of the song. Now we see the other part of the song were he says “Take me to church, I'll worship like a Dog.” what does that mean, such a very blaspheming and sarcastic statement of saying he should be taken to church and let him worship like a dog, as that is like him calling the Christians, Dogs, and some of us might know the things that DOG represents in Christianity, I hope you are seeing depths of this song, well sad to say you haven’t seen anything yet.

In addition to that, he said “at the shrine of your lies”, meaning he has called the church a shrine and an embodiment of falsehood, saying indirectly that Christianity is a scam and that it is deceitful, he also said “I’ll tell you my sins and so that you can sharpen your knife.” Depicting that Christianity is just a way of making people confess their sins and make them feel bad, and so that the Christians can then condemn them because of their sins. Another phrase in the song I would like to talk about is “offer me that deathless death.” this simply is talking about hell fire as that is the place sinners would end, as that is what Christians believe.


And the most sarcastic and rude statement which you might not have noticed, because of how he painted it “O good God let me give you, my life.” He is not saying here that he really wants to give his life to Christ, He is just saying that as a sense of mockery at God, that he should give God his life, as it is common in Christianity for Christians to say that “they have given their life to Christ.” just know that that statement was sarcastic, rude and mockery filled.


Conclusion, What do we learn from this post, we should mind the kind of songs we are listening to, because you  may be listening to a song that really defies your faith, and you can even end up posting it on your status and giving it a caption of HAPPY SUNDAY, and you don’t even know that you are now part of the defilement of that day, so please let’s really be careful. Check the lyrics of the song you listen to and let God give you guidance.


Note, bonus tip if you have not given your life to Christ then you cannot even discern by the spirit of God and if you don’t want to be part of that deathless death, and you want to make it to heaven and please God even here on earth, then you can just follow these steps below  


Accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour

Believe that he came to die for you.

Confess your sins to God.

Decide to follow Jesus for the rest of your life.

And ask for grace daily to live for Christ.


If you have given your life to Christ or have asked God to restore you, if you were a backslider congratulations. Please be sure to share, comment and follow this blog. My name is David (Jdsignate), This is Jdsignate Blogs, and I will catch you in the next one.


Disclaimer: our conclusion for most of our blog posts was gotten from the concept by a YouTube channel conclusion (that he used to use sometimes) called  mrwhosetheboss, and all materials or media used, their respective owners can take credit of their work.


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