Overcoming Temptation

 Good evening everyone welcome to the latest blog post for today, and if you have been following this post you should know that today is a day for Christian motivational write up by yours truly, Emerald. Also, if you are new to this blog, please be sure to check out other previous posts we have made on the homepage. Today's topic will be on "Overcoming temptation" as it is in the heading, so let's dive into it. 

After a short commercial break (Just kidding)

Temptation .........

These are challenges we may face on daily basis which may prompt us or make us go against the will of God or outrightly disobey him. Temptation is evident in the life of every believer (Christian), but what matters in the kingdom is not the temptation but our reaction to temptation (if we fall or resist). Temptations even show how genuine our Christian life is, because when the devil sees we are living a consecrated and sold-out life, he will then bring temptations our way to keep us off track. To show that nobody is above temptation even our Lord Jesus Christ was tempted but he did not sin. That should also be our testimony.

There are many ways Satan can tempt believers like us, Let's look at Daniel's three Hebrew friends, they were tempted to bow before the golden image by the king, but they overcame the temptation and were saved from the fiery furnace. There are many things that can be used as a source of temptation to us like the love of money, Lustful desires of this world, worldly and sensual clothing and apparel, Worldly music and so many other things that can be used, But note that the devil will only tempt you with the things he knows you love, He could even tempt you through your loved one or someone you respect so highly, So let's be really careful about this phase called Temptation.

Now how can we overcome this crucial stage (Temptation) which we will pass through as Christians? Firstly, we have to be prayerful and watchful as it is in Matthew 26:41 I quote "Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation, the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." 

For Christians the devil will bring temptations our way so that we would be drifted from the path of heaven, but when we are watchful and prayerful, we will be able to withstand and overcome the temptation and pressure of the devil. and we must also make sure that we are continually in the presence of God and reduce idleness to its minimum as a proverb says, "An idle mind is the Devil's workshop." 

In addition to that we should meditate on the word of God as it is the sword of the spirit which we can use to fight temptations of the devil, and as I said earlier the devil will only test us on that which we love, so we must be able to resist those things if it is then making you disobey or go against the will of God, You can read on living a fasted life in our "what true fasting is all about series." on this blog so as to know how to resist those things that are making you fall into sin.

We round up today's post with this bible passage James 4:7 I quote "Submit yourselves therefore to God and resist the devil and he shall flee from you." So, once we are able to constantly and purposely resist the devil through the grace of God, we shall be able to resist temptation.

Thank you for reading to the end, if you have been blessed why not drop a comment, share and give us a follow on this blog, my name is Abigial (Emerald), this is Jdsignate Blogs, and I will catch you in the next one! 
