The Judgement by the Holy one.

 Good day everyone and I welcome you back to Jdsignate Blogs. Today we will be covering another doctrine of the bible review. And the doctrine we will cover today will be on THE GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGEMENT. So, let’s go into the review of this Bible doctrine.


Hhmmm, the great white throne judgement, what is it about? Let’s break it down. Great White Throne Judgement. When we say something is great what do we mean by that? It means it is of much power and influence and also a very important thing or event, what does white represent? Purity, holiness and cleanliness etc. A throne is usually used by a king or a person in power and now judgement, that which is for Screening, though it can mean different things depending on if it is judgment for a sinner or Christians. With all this said and done, what can we now say about this topic? This topic is talking about a powerful, great and holy judgement for everyone that has lived in the earth by a great king (God). As it says in the bible passage of Revelation 20:11-15.


When will this occur and what will occur during this period?, This will occur after the millennial reign, this is when all people that had ever lived in the world (sinners and Christians) who have not been judged will be judged, even the devil and his demons will also be judged as at this time, when they will be cast into the lake of fire and the sinners will also  be thrown to the lake fire while, the Christians will go into the new heaven and the new earth. Which we will talk about in our next doctrine review “The new heaven and new earth.” so stay tuned to Jdsignate Blogs to see that post.


So, you can see how great this judgement is, that even the devil and the demons will also be judged by THE ALMIGHTY. Now let me ask you, how will that day be for you? Will it be a day of crying, wailing and mourning for you or a day of rejoicing, everlasting joy and glory. It is your choice to make, but if you want it to be a great and good day for you, you must have accepted and believed in Jesus Christ. If you haven’t given your life to Christ or have backslidden, you can just pray the sinners pray or prayer for restoration, ask God to restore you to the faith and that he should forgive you for backsliding. For a sinner your prayer is below.

Accept Jesus as your lord and Saviour.

Believe that Jesus came to die for your sins.

Confess your sins to God.

Decide to follow Jesus and Ask for grace daily to live a holy life.

Join a bible believing church.


 Congratulations if you have been restored or have given your life to Christ. That will be the end of this doctrine review for today, also if you are a Christian, you can help other people who are not Christians and fellow Christians by sharing this post to them. Be sure to share, follow and comment on this blog. My name is David (Jdsignate), this is Jdsignate Blogs, and I will catch you in the next one. 

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