What is true fasting about (grand finale)

 You are uttermost welcome to the grand finale of the blog series “What true fasting is all about." I pray that you would not just read this post, but that you will actually be able to practice this message in your personal life. Let’s go into the message of today.

I was a type of person that loves to complain a lot but since the time the Holy Spirit have been helping me to deny the flesh whenever I am triggered to complain by praising God and declaring God’s promises for my life in the face of challenges, I have become a changed person. 

What do I mean by this? By praising God instead of murmuring, I starved my flesh of that hunger and feed my spirit instead! So, this is the secret of living a transformed life as a believer, daily fasted life!

Religious fasting will make you to become the shadow of yourself but keep struggling over same thing again and again. But walking with God daily and fellowship with him will make you to live victoriously above sins and live an effective fasted life.

Your consistent personal fellowship with God will make you to know how the Holy Spirit relates with you and this will aid you to know God’s voice and obey instructions to deny the flesh and walk in the spirit.

Daily dying to your flesh is what leads to speedy spiritual growth, the more you die to yourself is the more your Spirit become alive to God and through this, you will live a pleasing life for God and your prayers become answered effortlessly.


Submit yourself to the leadership of the Holy Spirit and watch your spiritual life commanding greater exploits. I await your testimonies! You just know what you don’t know about fasting right? Are you truly blessed by this message? Let me see your comments about the truth you just found out. Don’t be selfish with this liberating message! Share to your friends and loved ones. Let them also benefit God through you.

Thank you for joining us and following this blog series to the end. I pray you shall be blessed and that you did not read this post in vain. So, my name is IFE (JesusChosenLoveth), this is Jdsignate Blogs, and I will catch you in the next one.

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