What true fasting is all about (part 2).

You are welcome back to the next part of the series “What true fasting is all about”. Now we will go into the part of THE FLESH. Hope you enjoy the series, join us again next week for another part of the series. This is brought to you by Jdsignate Blogs.

As we are talking about the flesh this picture exhibits and shows the flesh of a pencil which can also be regarded as our flesh

Before I knew this truth, I could lock myself in a room, in 3days dry fasting, praying to God, studying his word and seeking for more of him. And for those moments, I get connected with God easily, hear his voice clearly, overcome temptations easily because my flesh has been subjected and it felt so good to me. But as good as this was, after the fasting, it will be as if the devil was just waiting for me to finish my fasting. After breaking my fast, I will begin to take care of my body, give it whatever it desires to satisfaction. And before I know it, I will see myself struggling again over those things I thought I had overcome.

But how did I get here again ❓

And many questions will be running in my mind…Why this again❓

But a day came that God gave me the secret of fasting that invoke effortless answers to prayers and rapid spiritual growth, and this is what I’m about to share with you right now.

Are you not surprised why there are many fasting giant's believers, yet their lives didn’t portray the true life of Jesus Christ? 

The reason is because 80days fasting can never make you overcome the flesh that have been existing in your life from birth. Ask Moses!

Despite the fact that he fasted for 40days without food and water, yet his stubborn flesh manifested anger that made him to break the tables he suffered on the mount to get from God. Mr. flesh will allow you to seek God’s face for days and patiently wait for you to finish your fasting and by the time you feed your body with food, he become more strengthened and begin to deal with you seriously and show you pepper like never before! 


This flesh is so stubborn, that only the finished works of Jesus Christ on the cross of cavalry gave us victory over him, alleluia! But this victory can’t happen automatically except it is activated through the secret called “The daily fasted life!”


The only way you can overcome the flesh and become ever connected to God as a believer is to live a daily fasted life! This is an act of walking in the spirit and denying the flesh daily of his desires, this is what Apostle Paul meant when he said: “I die daily.”

What God desires from us as true disciples of Christ are far beyond being connected with him for days and going back to our struggles after then. Tune in again next week to read the about how to live a fasted life.

Thank you for reading to the end, this is not the end of the series so join us again next Saturday to see the next series of this post. Please be sure to follow, share and comment on this blog. My name is IFE (JesusChosenLoveth ), This is Jdsignate Blogs, and I will catch you in the next one.

