What true fasting is all about (part 3)

 Welcome back to this blog series “What true fasting is all about." And if you have been following this post since the first part of the series, I want to say a big thank you for following this series, But I would like you to check the Hamburger menu (The more options button on the home page) and click on follow so you can receive messages on new posts on this blog on your reading list. So, let’s go into what we have for today.

Before I know this truth, every week, I do fast for 4 days out of 7days.Well, the day I discovered that fasting is beyond starving myself of food for days, I became free from religious fasting. And now, I fast according to the leadership of the Holy Spirit and my life have been greatly transformed since I began to yield to him.

Remember I said: fasting means starving Mr. flesh of his desires, to subject him and feed your spirit, so as to become connected with God? Now, this is what I meant: Whatever you are becoming addicted to, more than the presence of God is what God will lead you to fast from. It may be fasting from food, Tv, social media, social gathering, etc.

Every sinful desire of the flesh is what Jesus says, we should deny daily, take up our cross, and follow him. Sometimes, God may just want you to keep quiet when you are triggered by the flesh to react to somebody that offends you greatly. And at that moment, your flesh is hungry to be fed by your anger and reaction but if you yield to God by keeping quiet, it means that you starved your flesh to feed your spirit. This is what living a fasted life simply means! Although it takes the grace of God.

If your phone is now taking more of your time than God’s presence, God may lead you to put it aside and set yourself apart for him in prayers and studying of his word, this doesn’t necessarily means that you shouldn’t eat, It’s your attention that God needs!, If you become obsessed with food more than you pray, God may instruct you to fast from food.

Come again to read the grand finale of this blog series on “What True fasting is all about." Be sure to share, follow and comment on this blog. So, my name is IFE (JesusChosenLoveth), this is Jdsignate Blogs, and I will catch in the next one.

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