Baptism is very important for believers who walk in the lord, baptism is not only by water physically, but we also need to be baptized by the Holy Spirit, all believers are expected to be baptized in the Holy Spirit because this will allow them to have a cordial relationship with their Creator, it will also allow your relationship with your Maker be strengthened. Acts 11 vs 16 says "Then remembered I the word of God, how that he said, John indeed baptized with water but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost."

Baptism in the Holy Spirit will allow the gifts of the Holy Spirit to manifest in one's life. The gifts of the Spirit 

1.  Words of Wisdom

2. Words of Knowledge

3.Gift of healing

4.Working of miracles


6.Discerning of spirit


8.Speaking in tongues

9.Interpretations of tongues

When these gifts are being manifested in your life, you start to feel the changes in your life and system, you can
command the mountains to move and they shall move, because you have turn to the child of authority, let's take a look at the disciples, on the day the Holy Spirit  descended on them they began to speak in strange tongues, this tongues are spoken through them by the Holy Spirit . John G. Lake said in the book "Your power in the Holy Spirit." that "it is the voice of God speaking through the sanctified lips of the believers. "

May God help us to know him more.

  Check out, Your Power in the Holy Spirit by John G. Lake
