Demystifying myths about counsels

Good evening and welcome to the latest blog post, today. This is a Word-inspired write-up by Prisca. If you are new to this blog, do well to check out previous posts we have made on the homepage. Today's post is set to demystify myths about counseling. Without further ado, let's get right into it.

I was conversing with one of my younger siblings one time and he was explaining to me the difficulty he was facing in a course at school, my next question was to ask him if he had reading partners, and his reply was no, I then asked him if he there was anyone he knew doing well in that particular course in his class, he made mention of a young chap and I asked him if he had tried to approach him and asked for his help with the course, he looked at me surprisingly and said: “but he's a Muslim and I am not supposed to have anything to do with him." 

I had to reorientate him there and then. So many believers are encountering this same challenge and they shy away from people who can provide help for them because of 2 Corinthians 6:14 (Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?)

It's a very good thing that we have people that want to practice what the Bible says, but we must truly understand the mind of God, and not put ourselves in tough positions when God wants the best for us.

Yes, God stands on us being friends with the world is very clear, He said anyone who is a friend of the world will automatically be an enemy of God. So as his children, we cannot take that chance, but in this sense, he is not saying we shouldn't have anything to do with them, but that whatever we will do with them that will pollute His name and glory in our lives or make us subscribe to their sinful ways should not be considered at all.

Unbelievers are all around us, sometimes we don't even need to choose to be their friends or not, they might be as close to us as our parents once they are not saved, the Bible regards them as unbelievers,  they are not bad in themselves but it's just that their mind has not been renewed.

However, as touching on the context of today on whether to receive counsel from unbelievers or not, let's see an example from Prophet Moses, one who was very close to God in His time, who God spoke in unclear speeches.

 In the book of Exodus in Chapter 18, we see that Jethro counseled Moses, Jethro was a Midian priest, (an unbeliever by our standard now at that time because he was not an Israelite), but out of his leadership experience he could counsel Moses effectively and the counsel is still being used in the body of Christ today. It is, however, noteworthy that Jethro didn't counsel Moses about His spirituality, his belief, or convictions. He rather did counsel him on leadership (and still left him with the word that if the Lord approved of his counsel to him he should go ahead with it). 

As believers, it is not out of your eternal place to receive counsel from an experienced ‘unbeliever' on matters relating to career, health, leadership, and anything and everything that does not contradict your faith and still check if it is God's path for you.

 Not all counsels are wrong but might not be God's desire for you because experience is not enough to navigate through life, divine direction rather is. So no matter the counselor God sends your way, check in line with the scriptures and God's counsel to your life through prayers. Grace and peace be multiplied unto you, my dear friend.

Thanks for reading to the end, do well to share your thoughts in the comment section, follow for more, and share with your loved ones. My name is Prisca, and this is Jdsignate Blogs.

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  1. Please be sure to share your comments 😃, here.

  2. Thank you it was straight to the point


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