Reward for the Faithful

 Reward for the faithful

Being faithful means to obey and keep the laws, command, or adhere to a common faith and habitually following his commandments. A Christian that is faithful must be ready to sacrifice everything pertaining to him or her, no matter how hard it is to adhere to the commandment he/she must be ready to give it all it takes. There are many rewards for the faithful, one of the rewards are seen in the book of 2 Timothy 4 vs 8, I quote “Henceforth there is a laid-up crown of righteousness which the lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day and not to me only but unto all of them also that love his appearing.”


The lord has a special crown for only the faithful, looking at the last line it says, “but unto all of them that also love his appearing.” for anybody that loves God is entitled to the crown. Furthermore 1 Samuel 26 vs 23-24 talks about how God will deliver all those that are faithful to him, he shall keep them from the evil of this world they shall be known as people of the sanctuary. This reward is available for those that are faithful and righteous to the lord.


With all the turbulence, and grievance that is going on in this our present world, I urge all Christians to remain faithful to the lord. We should not look at what we are passing or facing, but should focus on our lord Jesus Christ, let’s look at the award that is awaiting us in the judgement day. The devil will test us, but we must be faithful and righteous to our lord Jesus Christ. May the grace of our lord be sufficient for us.

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