Secrets to Newness and Freshness

Good evening everyone and welcome to the latest blog post for today, This is a Word-inspired write-up by Prisca. If you are new to this blog, do well to check out other previous posts we have made on the homepage. Today's post is an exposition to the secret of newness and freshness. Without further ado, let's get right into it.

Jesus used the vine tree as an illustration of the fact that without him we can not do anything, just like the branches of a particular tree cannot bear fruits outside of the rest of the tree, with no roots from which to draw nutrients, it will dry and die off.

Without Jesus, dryness, death, and offensive odor are what will exude from a man because Jesus is the source of life (newness) and freshness.

As believers, conforming ourselves to the image of God continually is the way to abide in the vine, for without this our lives will not produce the required fruits (love, joy, peace, long-suffering... check Galatians 5:22- 23 for more) because a branch not connected to the tree will dry off, and such believer's life will be worse than when they had not believed, that's because at this point a higher demand and integrity has been placed upon their life and when men don't see that they are disappointed and thus this life becomes a source of reproach and blasphemy to God, and God said He will spew such out of His mouth, that is, He will forsake such.

How can one then live comfortably forsaken by the creator of the universe? 

The key to peaceful, stress-free living is to be connected/aligned to Jesus the source of life and freshness.

Check your connection, is it still intact? If not, please run to the foot of the cross, Jesus is willing to connect you to Himself again. 

Thanks for reading to the end, do well to share your thoughts in the comment section, follow for more, and share with your loved ones. My name is Prisca, and this is Jdsignate Blogs.
