As we all know that education  is very important in this century so also is our spiritual life,  some students see all other activities as source of distraction to their academic goal, to have breakthrough in our academic career we must also have a strong spiritual life, there are sometimes  when our strength will fail, when we will read and forget what we read, but for the divine intervention of God, when we need God to bring what we read to our remembrance, Our spiritual life should not be used as a factor to hinder our academic career, we should read when we are supposed to read, pray when we are supposed to pray, if we continue  to pray without reading then you are ready to fail.

   There are many ways we can balance both, we must first plan how to manage our time, before you sleep map out how you want the next day to be with time you want to do it, after planning you must adhere strictly with your plan because procrastination is a thief of time, we must always try to keep to timing. A successful person said, " if you fail to manage your time, you fail to manage your future.” management of time will help you to plan well for your future.

Also, make sure you keep God updated on steps you are taking in your life, it is not when your plans are jeopardized that you now remember God’s existence, also take your sorrow to him, I will also implore you to keep friends that share the same goals and dreams. They will keep you moving any time you feel down, or you are deviating from your dream, they also encourage us to never give up. May God help us to continue moving in our faith in Jesus' name.  SHALOM!!!!

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