Daily communion is a constant time we have set aside to communicate with our lord Jesus, this time should be set aside for only meditation and speaking with the lord. As a Christian we must grow in the lord, our Christian life must not remain stagnant.

In revelation 3:15-16, I quote “I know all the things you do, that thou are neither hot nor cold. I wish thou were one or the other! But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.”

For you to be strong in the lord you must  have a daily communion with Christ, there are many benefit of daily communion, one is ability to overcome temptations, as you know that the devil is looking for the opportunity to deceive people of God into his kingdom, but you can always overcome this temptation if you are strong in the lord, which will not allow the devil to be able triumph over you.

Also daily communion helps us to know more about our lord Jesus Christ the more, daily communion will allow  you to have smooth and powerful relationship with God, You will be able to know what God’s will is for you, you will also familiarize yourself with God, and also know the main reason God created us, as we all know that apart from us trying to chase things of God, we must also try to satisfy and fulfill our mission  her on earth

Also, it brings renewal of faith in the passion, suffering, death and resurrection of our lord Jesus Christ, daily communion reminds us about the forgiveness we experience through Christ our Lord, it helps us overcome all challenges we might be facing, and the lord can also speak to us about how to tackle our challenges. There are many ways we can ensure smooth daily communion with the lord, by reading and meditating on the word of God, we enhance our daily communion with Christ, the bible says, "the word of God is the sword of a Christian, prayer is also essential, 1 Thessalonians 5 vs 17 says.

          "Pray without ceasing"

The bible encourages us to pray at all times, this will help us to overcome temptation before the actual time, prayer allows us to be strong, this is why a prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian, I pray we gained one or two things in this article, I pray that God will help you and I to continue to grow in him, Shalom.

And if you would like to join a WhatsApp Group that will provide devotionals to help you have a daily communion with GOD. Join by clicking the link below.

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