The inner man who is also known as the spiritual side of human, this inner man can be referred to as the spirit of a person, for a person to be able to overcome temptation he must have a strong inner man, Ephesians 6 vs 11 says.

   " Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be to stand against the wiles of the devil."

  This bible verse tells us to be strong, to energize our inner man, so we will be able to overcome the will of the devil, a strong inner man will enable us to  endure, to stand, to oppose all wiles of devil, it also enables us to understand  the will of God for our life, Christian  who waver, not being  able to refuse those things they should do, demonstrate that the inner  man is weak, But when the inner body is energized, he will make the body to do what it's supposed to do and refrain the body from doing what it's supposed not to do.

The main enemy of the inner man is the carnal man which is flesh, you cannot nurture both the carnal man and the inner man together, if the inner man must live and be strong,  the outward man which is flesh must suffer, you must seize from giving the flesh whatever  it  seeks for which are, lies, adultery, fornication, uncleanliness, covetousness, etc. this will enable the inner man to have upper hand.

There are many ways you can empower the inner man, one is meditating on the word of God, you must not only read but meditate, know what the chapter or verse is talking about, Ephesians 6 vs 17 says.

"And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God."

Christian don't have any other weapon to fight the devil apart from the word of God, the more you know the word, the more you have power to overcome the devil, in book of Joshua 1 vs 8, he told us not to allow the book of God to depart from our mouth, that we should mediate in it day and night.

Also we should always pray because a prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian, we must pray to empower the inner spirit, the present  life we find ourselves is not like that of our forefathers, the coming of God is very close, all what God said as signs for his coming , are already coming to pass so we must pray  and not be weary,  I hope  we are able to gain something  from this  article, may God help us, IJN. 
