
Welcome to the last article in the doctrine series that has been on for some time now, I pray you shall be blessed, and your heart touched by this doctrine review on hell! I don't think I am wrong to say that, this should be and is the most dreaded place that we have ever heard of, and we wouldn't even want our enemies to go there if you have any, as a Christian, but even as fearful and scary this place is, most Christians don't still live the life they are meant to live to really avoid this place, it is as if we sometimes forget that this place actually exists and that any little sin can actually land you there. 

we tend to ignore the things of the kingdom, skip the designated times we have set to fellowship with God, and to abide in his presence and basically focus on things of the world instead of things of the word, we tend to set our affection on mundane things of this world that will later fade away or pass, and not on things that will last for everlasting and the treasures in heaven that God has commanded us to set our affection on, let's try our best to remember that there is a place called Hell, where a person who enters there will be there for eternity which has no end,

Now, hell is the place for sinners and not just sinners but people who may have been Christians but have either committed sins on the way and had set their affections on things on earth and may have drifted from the will of God and His commandments, one way or the other. I think the most important thing to note is that there is no going out from this dreaded place the soul of this person will be doomed forever in a place of everlasting condemnation and contempt and everlasting separation from God, the torture, suffering and horrors of hell are no joke and is not a fictional place or a metaphor, HELL IS REAL!!!!!

So, are you a Christian? then hold fast to the faith that was once delivered to you and work out your salvation with fear and trembling, pursue holiness, strive to be the one God wants you to be, and the do the work of evangelism,
(Jude 1:3b,Hebrews 12:14,Philippians 2:14.)save those around you from this horrible and everlasting place, so you can help them and bring them into the kingdom of God and you will be rewarded for it, and also to prevent their blood from being on your hands as the lord is looking for a spotless and stainless church when He comes to carry his people home, 

And are you there and you have not yet surrendered your life to Christ make sure that you surrender your life to him today, so that you can be saved from sin and delivered from this dreadful place that no man would want to go, Accept Jesus into your life now by following the steps below.

Accept Jesus as your lord and Saviour.

Believe that Jesus came to die for your sins.

Confess your sins to God.

Decide to follow Jesus and Ask for grace daily to live a holy life.

Join a bible believing church.

Thank you for your time, and this is the end of the doctrine review series, I hope you were blessed. pls be sure to share this post, if you have any questions about this topic be sure to comment below, Be sure to please follow this blog. Also, if you didn't follow this series from the beginning be sure to use the link below to start from the beginning of the series of writing. Thank you for your time, my name is David (Jdsignate) and this is Jdsignate Blogs. 

Check out the first article
