I met him through my mentor popularly known as 'Papa'. We were introduced after a prayer session on the school's prayer field. Papa had many mentees home and abroad, Justin and I were one of them. Papa had called me out for a prayer session that night and usually it would be just the two of us so the surprise that met me on meeting Justin on the field with Papa was huge. After the prayer, Papa introduced Justin to me and left us to attend to some other matters.

Justin and I talked for a while and exchanged contacts after which he walked me back to my room since his hostel was just two blocks away from mine. He told me his room number like he was expecting me to come around the next minute, but then again, that was one of the endearing things about him, his straightforwardness and bluntness.


Later that night, I decided to take my usual 15-minute walk (a therapeutic habit of mine to clear my head and mind every night). I would walk as slowly as possible to the school gate and sit for about ten minutes then walk back as fast as I can. But that night, the walk took almost an hour as my mind was heavy on the thought of Justin. My heart was with him, and I could not stop thinking about him all through the walk. He was a rare kind of guy, different from the ones that tried to impress me just to get their way with me. He was himself, so natural, and during the few hours we spent together after the prayer, my heart already went out to him, and I knew right there and then that, that would definitely not be the last I would be seeing of Justin.




  1. Common this is so nice !!, Can't wait for the next part ...keep it up 😌

    1. Thanks for your reply, I'm glad to say that part 2 is out now 🔥😊.


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