I was walking back to my room with an earpiece plugged into my ears. This prevented me from hearing the sound of someone calling me, until the person walked up to me. I looked back, lo and behold, it was Justin, standing there in a pair of shorts and blue round neck that clung tightly to his body, exposing his entire body frame. My heart skipped a beat and I swallowed hard for a few minutes before finally finding my voice.

"Hey, Justin" I forced out of my clumping throat.

"Fancy running into you here," Justin said in his thick and smooth voice.

"Yeah, never thought you were the kind to take walks in this part of our world," I replied.


"I enjoy taking walks, most especially at this time of the night. It gives me the opportunity to be myself without the usual daily constrictions" He replied, and I was mesmerized with the turning effect of his lips, so much that I imagined my hands on those full and plump lips.


"Annabelle, what are you thinking?" I thought in my head.

 We continued the walk-in silence till I was almost reaching my destination. He saw me to the front of my door and just as I was about to insert the key into the keyhole he said, "I like you Annabelle, and I would love to see more of you".


© Hephzibah Purity
