I dropped the phone and was about to switch it off when Justin's call came in. I picked up immediately

 and we talked for hours into the night.


Justin and I met again the following day on campus and later at night for the walk. We talked for a long time and my walk was already taking longer than usual. After every walk, I would come back and imagine Justin and I together, watching a movie and doing all sorts of things.

There was no doubt that I liked him, and he liked me too.


Days grew into weeks and weeks into months and the routine continued. My heart imagined

Justin and I together in more ways than I can describe. There was a nudge in me that I shouldn't be thinking about him that way but I was enjoying myself, so I couldn't stop.


Papa had been noticing this during our joint prayer meetings and he took out time to talk to me to stop letting my heart go after him. He told me to filter my thoughts at all times because out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, and a man is what he thinks. I told him I would work on it, but I didn't. I kept allowing thoughts of Justin and I together until the unfortunate event happened.


One of the nights for our walk, I wasn't feeling too well so I was planning not to go for the walk, but the thought of not being with Justin that night was devastating. I decided not to inform him of my health status and wait for him to come around.

At a few minutes to ten, he came around and knocked at my door. I pretended I didn't know it was him and asked him to come in. He came in and seeing me under the sheets, he rushed to my bedside asking what was wrong.

"I don't feel too well," I said with a shaky voice.


"Have you used anything? Do you want me to take you to the hospital?" He asked with worry written all over his face.


"No, I'll be fine. I just need to rest. I've not been sleeping well, that's all." I said and asked him to sit. He sat on the chair opposite my bed while I sat up on the bed.


"Would you stay with me for a while?" I asked.


"Sure, why not?" He replied.


We started to discuss as usual, and I was feeling a bit better a few minutes into the

conversation. All of a sudden, Justin's countenance changed to one laced with seriousness.


"Are you fine?" I asked.

"Yeah, I am. It's just that there's something I have to say to you."

"Go on" I said with my heart beating fast at the moment.


He drew the chair close to me, leaving a few inches between us. He leaned forward and held my hand before finally saying, "Annabelle, I like you. I really like you. I have liked you from the first day we met, and now, I can't stop thinking about you day in and day out. You're just everything I want in a lady." He said.


I opened my mouth to speak but he interrupted." I love you Annabelle and I want you."


"Justin, I like you too" I said and kept quiet.


Justin leaned towards me such that our faces were a few inches away. He kissed me on the lips and before I could say JACK, we were both lost in our own world of passion.

© Hephzibah Purity
