Life as an ordinary girl

Looked like so much fun back then.

It was like the best thing that could ever happen.

But there was still a void.

Like a missing link

I looked to fill the void.

But it just wasn't possible.

I continued the empty life.


Until I met Him

He gave me hope again.

Filled up my emptiness with His Spirit

I was full of a portion of Him, His Spirit

He was with me every now and then

And all my cares went down a drain.

Never to resurface again


I was comforted by His Spirit

I was guided by His Spirit

I was filled to the brim.

My capacity enlarged.

My life became full of meaning.

I was happy to live life again.


The life now full of bliss

Full of purpose

And I keep basking.

In the baptism of the Holy Ghost

For now, I live.

Knowing the importance of His Spirit

And what it can do to man

Just like He did to the apostles back in the day.


© Hephzibah Purity
