Letting Go and Trusting God

You shall be a conqueror, IJN.

Things I do,

Things I don’t do,

Things I know,

Things I don’t know,

Things I regret,

Things I have passion for,

Things I feel for,

Things I gave all for,

Things I ignore,

Things I love, things I like,

Things I have urge for,

Things that eat me deep,

Things I acknowledge,

Things that gave me joy,

Things that caused me pain,

Things I gave in to,

Things I gave up on,

Things I’m responsible for,

Things I hold dear,

Things I cherish,

Things that drive me,

Things that push me,

Let it go!!!!!

All of it I let go,

All of it I place at His feet,

All of it I crush at His last breath on that cross,

All of it I buried with him in the grave,

None of it resurrected with Him,

None of it ever resurfaced, 

Because He took it all for me.

Live your life to its fullest!

Now I live as though my life were not mine

For I have been crucified with Christ. 

For it is no longer I who live,

But Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh. 

I live by faith in the Son of God 

Who loved me and gave Himself for me.

Gal 2:20

© Hephzibah Purity
