Why we need the Holy Spirit baptism.

A white dove to signify the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit baptism, one of the most coveted promises of God to Christians, Most of us Christians really covet this gift/promise, but how many of us actually know why we need/want the Holy Spirit baptism, Some may want it because they have been told of the powers/gifts that actually come with it, well I guess one of the most common reason people want the Holy Spirit baptism will be to have the gift of tongues. So, as we have seen we may all have different reasons for wanting the possession of this promise, let’s see why we actually need or should desire to have the Holy spirit baptism.


A picture of a small growing plant.

One of the reasons we should actually want this to be evident in our spiritual life's, should be to actually signify spiritual growth, as when we genuinely have this promise we should have already passed some stages in the kingdom, which should be salvation and sanctification, and when we finally reach the stage of Holy Spirit Baptism, it will then show that we have gone higher and deeper in our spiritual life, which would signify growth.


In addition to that we should also seek this promise of God so we can be more intimate with God, as when we have been baptized, we would have the evidence of speaking in tongues, which will give us the privilege and opportunity to be able to tarry into the presence of God for a longer period and when we do that we will now be able to also create intimacy with God and be more familiar with His presence. Acts 2:42


A man praying for a woman.

We should also seek this gift to be able to do more exploits for God and to preach the gospel in a new dimension, as when an individual is baptized with the Holy Spirit, extra boldness to preach the Gospel can be present, just as it happened to Peter in the Bible when the Spirit of God came upon them in the upper room. And other gifts also can come with Holy Spirit Baptism such as words of knowledge, discernment of spirits, etc. Acts 2:41,43.


A picture of a man riding a bike above a difficult terrain 

Lastly we should seek this gift to be able to make the Christian journey easier for us, as we will have a better backing and fellowship with God, so that we will be able to escape the traps and deceit of the devil and also give us a higher propensity to be able to withstand and not fall for the temptations of the devil, I hope you have known the right reasons you should have for seeking the Holy Spirit, also expect another post on the type of reasons we should not have in mind will seeking the Holy Spirit, I pray this article helps all who have not yet received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and to be able to  pray better and according to the will of God.
