Father's Day special

 In the tapestry of life, they stand tall and strong,

Guiding us with wisdom, all our lives long.

With hearts full of love and unwavering care,

Fathers are treasures, beyond compare.

With calloused hands that have toiled and toiled,

They've nurtured our dreams, like soil soiled.

They've held our hands through life's twists and turns,

Teaching us, helping us, in every lesson we learn.

Their laughter, a symphony, that brightens our days,

Their comforting words, like a soothing embrace.

Their presence, a fortress, reliable and true,

Fathers are heroes, through and through.

Their discipline a way of correction

Their rebuke a mastery of rectification 

Yet they channel it so loving.

Our paths forever guiding.

They've wiped our tears and mended our hearts,

Cheering us on, as life's challenges impart.

They've taught us resilience, and how to be strong,

Fathers, our guardians, our lifelong song.

In their arms, we found safety and pride,

With their encouragement, we've soared high.

Their sacrifices, often silent but grand,

Fathers, our pillars, forever we'll stand.

So let us honor the fathers, so dear,

For their love and support, year after year.

In this ode, we celebrate their guiding light,

With gratitude and love, shining ever so bright.

© Hephzibah Purity


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