Reasons we shouldn't put in mind while seeking the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit Baptism is one of the important things a Christian should possess, and we are going to talk about it, but please note that even if a Christian doesn’t possess this promise of God it doesn't mean the person is not a Christian neither does it mean that person won’t go to heaven,  this is the promise that Jesus gave to us, before He went back to heaven as he said he was going to send the comforter to come and stay with us, when He went back to heaven (John 14:15-17). But there are pretty much misguided reasons some of us want the Holy Spirit, let’s discuss them below.


To me, I guess one of the most profound reasons people feel they should have this promise, is to use it to fight the powers of darkness, which is wrong, please do not seek the Holy spirit so that you can use the God given power to fight all the people that you’ve been told are worrying you or are hindering your progress, No. We can see in the bible where it says, “If a man’s ways please the Lord even his enemies will be at peace with him.” (Proverbs 16:7). So please make sure that your ways please the Lord and your enemies shall be at peace with you, and also don’t put your focus on them, for you are seated in high places far above all principalities and powers and all rulers of darkness (Ephesians 1:21). So please don’t seek the Holy Spirit Baptism for this reason please.


One of the bad reasons to also seek the Holy spirit will be for show off, or for public display. In fact we don’t need too much of writing to state how bad and hellish this reason is, when we go into the bible we can see how Jesus was not happy with the Pharisees and Sadducees, because they want to show that they are more spiritual in the synagogues, temples or probably public places, so that they will get the applause and reverence of men, instead of seeking their reward from God who sees what happens in the secret and will reward greatly (Matthew 6:4), please don’t seek the Holy Spirit baptism, to be able to show off or to get applauded or rewarded by people here on earth. (John 12:43, Matthew 23.)


 In addition, don’t seek this gift or level in the kingdom for the sake of competition or to try to show that you’re more spiritual than someone else, if you want to see the right reasons you should seek the Holy Spirit Baptism, please check out our previous post on that. Thank you for your time and God bless you. 


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