In shadows deep, where darkness hides,

Resides the twisted tales of sin,

A dance of wickedness beneath the moon,

Where lost souls wander, their hearts grown thin.

The serpent's hiss, temptation's call,

Echoes through forbidden corridors,

Whispering secrets of pleasure and pain,

As souls are led astray, forevermore.

In greed's embrace, they slowly drown,

Their minds consumed by worldly desires,

Lust and envy, vainglory's crown,

Fuel the flames of passions' fires.

Pride, a mirror reflecting false praise,

Blinds them to truths they cannot see,

Their souls, entangled in arrogant haze,

Stray further from purity's decree.

Gluttony feasts upon their weakened wills,

Indulging in excess with every bite,

Their bodies groaning with unquenched thirst,

Yet their spirits remain empty, devoid of light.

Wrath, a tempest brewing within,

Unleashes storms of vengeance and hate,

Destroying the bonds once held so dear,

Leaving ruins in its vengeful wake.

Sloth, a slumber that paralyzes,

Leads them to stagnation, to wither away,

Time slips through idle fingers like sand,

Lost beneath a haze of lethargic decay.

But even through this darkness, hope emerges,

For redemption's light can pierce the night,

In forgiveness' embrace, freedom surges,

Guiding lost souls toward love's pure light.

So let us strive to conquer these sins,

To seek forgiveness and embrace grace,

To heal the wounds within, where darkness begins,

And find redemption in God's warm embrace.

For within Jesus, there lies the key,

To vanquish sin, to let our spirits soar,

To live in harmony and purity,

And shine as beacons of love forevermore.

For therein we live by his blood

And experience the bliss.

As stated in His word

Even till life eternity 

© Hephzibah Purity
