In the depths of imagination, I progress.

Unveiling secrets that the world does not embrace.

With wide eyes, I unlock mysteries unknown

Looking beyond the ordinary, which no one knows.

As the veil of the dark lifts and departs,

I glimpse a playground for curious celestial bodies,

Where dreams intertwine with reality's embrace,

A tapestry of whispers, of boundless grace.

In these visions of the days unfolding 

Possibilities emerge, like tales yet untold.

With every sneak peek into what lies ahead,

Hope and wonder build, like seeds sewn and spread.

Through each window of time, I glean and perceive,

The songs of triumph, the lessons I can achieve.

With open heart and mind, I shall navigate,

The twists and turns of life, for it is never too late.

So let us together embark on this glorious quest,

Embracing the extraordinary at our behest.

For in the realm of dreams, and futures yet to be,

We'll paint our own story, with love and bravery.

© Hephzibah Purity
