Tithing: A must for Christians ???

The issue of whether Christians should pay tithe has been an issue of discussion and concern, as some notable men of God have come out publicly to emphasize the fact that there is no need to pay tithe, as they may have their reasons to ascertain or support their argument or opinion, can we really say for sure that they are right ? and another side to this story or issue will be that some people feel that pastors or spiritual leaders in the body of Christ are using the tithes and offering to enrich themselves and live a higher standard of living.


If you noticed I also mentioned offering, I guess they are also people that are against the notion of Christians giving offerings, definitely people will have different reasons to support their beliefs or opinions. So, you may ask if people have laid down or set reasons to their beliefs, then what is this article for, by the grace of God I will try to lay my own opinion and present my own “argument” and I pray this article will make you make the right decision and be on the right side of this two-sided argument. Let’s get into my opinion on this topic, and I pray the Lord speaks to you through this article.


My answer to this question is Yes, Christians are meant to pay tithe and why? in Leviticus 27:30, it is declared that “all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed or the fruit, is the Lord’s and holy to him.” Did you see what it said there it was said that the tithe is the Lord's and it's holy unto him, and once God says something is holy unto Him, and one refuses to release or let go of that thing that person is bringing a curse upon oneself, so one of the reasons is because God said the tithes are holy unto him. also if we look at Deuteronomy 14:22 God commanded the Israelites to donate a tithe or a tenth of their annual income: “You must without fail give a tenth [“tithe,” King James Version] of everything your seed produces in the field year by year.we can also see here that it was a command from God, saying the Israelite's must not fail to give a tenth of their annual income, and what was applied to the Israelite's also affects us, as we are now spiritual Israelite's, only the things that were abolished don't affect us.

 To address the second side to this question, which are the people who feel that servants of God, or spiritual leaders steal the money or use it to enrich themselves. That shouldn’t determine or affect our commitment to God, we should see it as a way to express gratitude and support to the work of God, we should see the payment or giving of tithe and offering not as if we are using it to enrich pastors or just giving it to Church, but as a way to support the work of God and as a way again to show gratitude to God, and if you look at the old testament the Israelite's gave tithes of what they had to the temple which was given to the priest and that is what the priests used to make a living (Numbers 18:26, 10:38), as the priests did the job full time and didn’t have any possessions or properties as God said that He was their portion and their inheritance. Also, if you actually checked those verses we can see that the Lord told the priests to still tithe all the tithes that was gathered from the people, so we can see how serious God takes tithes, in addition to that, we can see that even since the olden days the tithes where used to help the priests and further the work of God, so what should then stop us from giving offerings to God and paying our tithes.


In conclusion, we should give offerings and tithe as one of the ways we show gratitude and appreciation to God, and shouldn’t bother, worry or base our giving on what the pastor or Church does with the money as it’s God that we are giving to and not man. Also, the Bible encourages us to give our tithe and offering as the Bible said bring ye all the tithes and offering into my house that they may be meat in my house (Malachi 3:7-12), so in the light of all said if you haven’t been paying your tithe and/or offering, it’s not too late to start now, see you in the next article.

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