who is God?

some say He is the supreme being, 

some say he is the creator.

some call him Eledumare

some call him Abasi

some call him Chukwu Oma

But really who is God?

words will fail me to describe the indescribable,

because Him only is able, 

how he fills the whole universe and still finds a place in my tiny heart is unexplainable

God is love,

A love surpassing human infatuation.

Giving grace to the unqualified sinner

see if no be for God grace ehn, your dark soul for see shege

A judge that knows no partiality,

He is the creator,

not an orator,

spoke things into existence not just mere speeches!

And his kingdom has no end.

who is God?

he is that tiny flicker of light in your dark tunnel even though He is the consuming fire.

when I say God,

I mean El.

El Shaddai, because no man can provide all your needs else, he shall die.

 El Gibbor: the strong and mighty.

Elohim: God with the capital' G'

 El Lyon: He doesn't smoke weed, yet he is the most High.

He is the:

A-Alpha, Author and finisher of our faith, Almighty, our advocate.

B- Bridegroom, Builder, Beginning and end, Bright and morning star.

C- Christ, The creator, chief cornerstone

D- Door, Deliverer: He no dey dwindle.

E- Emmanuel, Emancipator, He is from everlasting to everlasting.

F-Father, friend and fortress without him this life is worthless.

G- He is God, our guide and good shepherd.

H -The holy one, our healer and Health

I-Immortal Invincible, The I Am That I am (He is who He is and not who you refer him to be.)

J- Joy and justifier

K- Keeper, King of kings and glory

L- Lion of Judah, the Lord, Life and Light, He is the lover of my soul.

M-My Master, Mediator and Messiah

N- Noble one, the New wine, the Name above any other name.

O- Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient

P- Prophet, Priest and Prince of peace

Q-Quieter of life's storm

R- Redeemer, Refuge, 

S- Sustainer, Supply and Sufficiency

T-True God, Truth and teacher

U-Unblemished lamb of God

V- Vine and the Victory over death and hell, Who dey breath?

W-Watchman, The way, wise God

X- Expected Messiah and exalted Lord

Y- Yahweh, He is yesterday, today and forevermore.

Z-He is Zion's Holy king.

who is God to you today?

