Striving for Christian Perfection: A Distinct Path


In the realm of Christian doctrine, the verse in the Bible that proclaims, "Be ye perfect for I am perfect," has sparked considerable controversy and debate, particularly among those who argue that human perfection is an unattainable goal. The pivotal question arises: can we, as humans, genuinely achieve perfection, defined as a state devoid of mistakes and flaws? This article aims to explore the concepts of Christian perfection and Angelic perfection, highlighting their differences, and shedding light on the type of perfection God desires from His children.

Christian Perfection: Embracing God's Grace

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Christian perfection, as defined in Scripture, is the kind of perfection that God has promised to His followers. It is a state in which believers can be liberated from the shackles of sin through unwavering reliance on God's grace and mercy. Remarkably, this form of perfection is not only attainable but also profoundly possible for Christians to reach.

The Bible supports this notion in Matthew 5:48: "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." This verse encourages believers to strive for a moral and spiritual excellence that reflects the character of God Himself. It emphasizes the possibility of Christians attaining a degree of perfection that aligns with the divine standard.

Angelic Perfection: An Unattainable Ideal

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On the contrary, Angelic perfection represents a level of flawlessness that humanity can never hope to achieve. Angels, as celestial beings, are inherently perfect; they are incapable of making mistakes or deviating from God's will. Unlike humans, angels do not require grace or mercy to uphold their perfection.

One significant factor that renders Angelic perfection unattainable for humanity is our possession of free will. Unlike angels, we have the power of choice. God does not coerce us into obedience but instead allows us to make decisions, whether they align with His will or not. This inherent freedom, coupled with our human nature, makes Angelic perfection an unattainable ideal for us.

God's Desired Perfection for His Children

Having explored these two distinct forms of perfection, the question remains: which type does God expect from His children? Undoubtedly, God desires Christian perfection from His followers. It stands in stark contrast to Angelic perfection, as it acknowledges human frailty and dependence on God's grace and mercy. 

In conclusion, Christians can earnestly pursue the goal set forth in the Bible: "be ye perfect for I am perfect." This scriptural directive signifies that we can indeed strive toward perfection. However, the type of perfection we seek must be Christian perfection, characterized by our continuous reliance on God's grace and our unwavering commitment to lead lives that align with His divine standard. While Angelic perfection remains beyond our reach due to our free will and inherent humanity, Christian perfection offers us a tangible and achievable goal on our spiritual journey.

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