
The most important person on earth in this contemporary dispensation as recorded by the scriptures and by inspired men of God is the person of the Holy Spirit.  

Journeying through the Scriptures, we would discover that before the creation of the world, there was an existence of the Spirit of God. Genesis 1:2

“The earth was barren, with no form of life; it was covered with darkness. But the Spirit of God was moving over the water”. [ CEV Version].

The Holy Spirit was there at creation, He was there at the beginning of man, at the fall of man, and at the resurrection of the Son of Man.

In this blog post, we will delve into the personality of the Holy Spirit and his characters to guide, comfort and empower us as feeble humans.


The Holy Spirit is the third person in the Trinity. In the Trinity, we have God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. There is no sort of division among this three, but it remains a mystery why they are named the Trinity. 

The Holy Spirit is the breath of God. He is the breath that was released upon man when he was created. 

Genesis 2:7

  “The Lord God took some soil from the ground and made a man. God breathed life into the man, and the man started breathing”. [ CEV Version].

Also, in the book of Job, He is described as the breath of all mankind. Job 12:10 “In His hands is the life of everything and the breath of all mankind”. [ Amplified Version].

He is also the wisdom of God. Whoever that allows the Holy Spirit in his/her life possesses the ultimate wisdom of God. 

Exodus 31:3 says, “I've filled him with the Spirit of God, giving him skill and know-how and expertise in every kind of craft”. [ MSB version].

In the book of Daniel too, the wisdom of the Holy Spirit was acknowledged. 

“I've heard about you—that you're full of the Holy Spirit, that you've got a brilliant mind, that you are incredibly wise”. [Daniel 5;14].

The Holy Spirit is also acknowledged as our advocate. When our Lord Jesus Christ was leaving the earth, He made a promise to send an advocate that will teach, counsel, comfort, guide and remind believers of all that Christ had done while He was on earth. 

The book of John 14:15-20 explains the role of the Holy Spirit after Jesus will leave the earth. 

“Then I will ask the Father to send you the Holy Spirit, who will help you and always be with you”. John 14:16.

Also, taking a look at John 16:3-15, we will discover more role of the Holy Spirit as described by our Lord Jesus Christ.

The person of the Holy Spirit cannot be undermined as we journey on earth and in faith with our God.



Many times, we have taken our consciences to be the person of the Holy Spirit. Though, He might work through our conscience, He is different from our inner mind i.e. our conscience. 

Now, we must ask ourselves how we will know who the Holy Spirit is and what are those things that point to Him.

The first character of the Holy Spirit is trueness. The Holy Spirit is true. Unlike every other kind of spirit out there, the Holy Spirit is a true one that has been in existence far beyond the ages of the world. 

The reality of the Holy Spirit was so much evident in the creation of the world. He was there when the world was created and even when the world will be destroyed. 

He is a real being that can never die.

John 14 confirms that the Spirit of God is the true one and only those that are true with God can see Him.

The Holy Spirit is a personality, not a thing. He feels, he has emotions, and he speaks just like every other human. This character of his was one reason that the scriptures says that we should not grieve or make Him sad. Ephesians 4:30 says “Don’t make God's Spirit sad. The Spirit makes sure that someday you will be free from your sins”. [CEV Version].

This shows that the Holy Spirit is different from every spirit out there. He can be sad, happy and at the same time he can be angry if we make Him be. Unlike other spirits that makes one afraid, the Holy Spirit is calm and easy on everyone who receives Him.

The Holy Spirit teaches all things. He is the greatest teacher one can ever have. He makes all things simple by explaining expressly in an easy manner. 

The book of John chapter sixteen also confirms this that the Holy Spirit will teach and remind everything that Christ has taught. Also, He inspires believers to do great things. The examples of Bezaleel, Daniel and Joseph can be seen in the scriptures. 

The Holy Spirit prays for us and helps our infirmities. The person of the Holy Spirit is that which knows, understand and helps believers in their times of needs. 

Romans chapter 8 makes us to understand that the Holy Spirit helps us even when we do not know what to say or do in the place of prayers.

He is the only one that talks to God on our behalf and no wonder Christ said that the sins against the son of man can be forgiven but the sins against the Holy Spirit cannot be forgiven. This is so because the Holy Spirit is the one who intercedes for us before God. Sinning against him means that there is no one to plead on your behalf before God. 

There are so many characters of the Holy Spirit that cannot contain a whole book, but it is very expedient to note the above very well as we grow into maturity in Christ.


The only person that guides, comfort and empowers is the person of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, it is very crucial as believers to have Him in their lives. It is only those that believe in Christ that can access the Holy Spirit. 

Jesus Christ said that the people of this world cannot accept the Holy Spirit because they cannot see Him, and they don't know Him. 

The Holy Spirit is needed for;



Empowerment to live the life of God.

Helping in the times of need.

Teaching and reminding all things.

Freedom from the yoke of sins.

These are just a few reasons why the Holy Spirit is needed in our lives and as we journey in life and destiny.


The Holy Spirit is not just an identity that ever Tom, Dick and Harry can just say that they have. It takes only those that believes in Him and those that knows Him that can receive Him.

The person of the Holy Spirit can’t be underestimated, nor can it be removed in the existence of man. He is needed to grow, He is reliable to help, He can be trusted to keep secret, He is the best teacher and the best friend that every man can have in earth.

Having Him is the best gift ever to humanity and He must be respected as we walk hands in hands with Him in life.

The best guide, comforter and empowerment that man can have is the person of the Holy Spirit. 

Right now, He is the most important person on earth, so it is very important to allow Him in the journey of life and destiny.

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