Building a Strong Relationship with God: The Most Important Relationship You Will Ever Have

Estimated Read Time: 5-6 minutes. 


From the beginning of creation, humans have been designed as social beings, incapable of existing in isolation. God created us with a deep-seated desire for relationships, whether with other humans or, most importantly, with Him. As the Book of Genesis tells us, "It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him" (Genesis 2:18).

Our natural inclination is to seek connection, to depend on one another, and to communicate and build relationships with others. And yet, amidst all the human connections we form, there is one relationship that stands above the rest: our relationship with God.

Why Do I Need a Relationship with God?

The primary reason for having a relationship with God is that He is your Creator and desires a close, personal relationship with you. Often, we underestimate the possibility of communing with God as if it were exclusive to pastors, apostles, or evangelists. In reality, God yearns for a friendship with you.

Consider the story of Abraham, who was not a prophet or an evangelist but had an exceptional relationship with God. God went as far as discussing His intentions regarding the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah with Abraham. This story illustrates that God wants to discuss with you, too, about your life, your family, and everything that concerns you, provided you're willing.

How Do I Build a Relationship with God?

Building a relationship with God is no different from building a relationship with friends. Unfortunately, traditions and doctrines have sometimes portrayed God as distant and inaccessible. The truth is, God is not the fiery, unapproachable deity that certain beliefs have painted Him to be. He is the best friend a person can ever have, and forming a relationship with God is the most important relationship you'll ever experience.

Here's how you can enter this remarkable relationship:

1. Be Saved

Salvation is the first step in establishing a relationship with God. Salvation is the act of believing in the coming, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God's only Son. It's about accepting Christ into your life. The purpose of Christ's death and resurrection is to reconcile us with God. Therefore, the initial step in forming a relationship with God is to be saved by accepting Christ into your life through faith. "By faith in Christ, you are in direct relationship with God" (Galatians 3:25).

2. Consistent Communication

A crucial element that strengthens any relationship is communication. It is through communication that relationships develop, grow, and deepen. Being in a relationship with God necessitates regular communication with Him. Just as you cannot maintain a friendship without communication, your relationship with God requires the same. Through consistent communication, you will discover God's preferences, His will for your life, and gain insight into His character.

You might be wondering how to communicate with someone you can't see face to face. How do you communicate with a friend who lives far away? You make a phone call or pay them a visit. The same applies to God. Prayer is one of the primary ways you communicate with God. In your prayers, you engage with Him as a friend, expressing your thoughts, concerns, and gratitude. Communication is fundamental in building a strong relationship.

3. Intentional Meditation of the Scriptures

Meditating intentionally on God's Word brings you closer to His character and His heart. The Bible serves as a source of knowledge about how God operates, communicates, and expresses His immense love for humanity. Regularly meditating on Scripture is a way to draw near to God.

4. Thinking About Him

Humans tend to think about people they love. Filling your thoughts with reflections on loved ones draws you closer to them. The same principle applies to God. To build a strong relationship with Him, you must fill your heart with thoughts of His greatness, goodness, and love. Contemplate His divine attributes, acknowledge His magnificent nature, and focus your thoughts on His unending love for you.


A relationship with God is not an elusive concept reserved for religious leaders; it is a possibility for anyone called into God's family through the redemption of Christ. Building a relationship with God is the most significant endeavor in life. God is not distant or unfriendly; He is the friend who desires to hear your voice every day. He eagerly awaits your communication, so take a step forward and cultivate a strong, lifelong relationship with Him. The most important relationship you will ever have is within your reach.

In conclusion, forming a relationship with God is a fundamental aspect of life that no one should overlook. Just as God intended Adam to have a companion, He also intends for you to be in a relationship with Him. This relationship is unique and unparalleled, as it is the most significant relationship you will ever experience. By building a strong relationship with God through salvation, consistent communication, intentional meditation of the Scriptures, and conscious thoughts of Him, you can enjoy a deep and meaningful connection with your Creator. In this relationship, you'll find love, purpose, and fulfillment beyond measure. So, take the first step and embrace the most important relationship you will ever have.

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