Conquering Temptation: A Path to Victory in Your Faith Journey.

Estimated Read Time: 6-7 minutes.


Life, often likened to a bed of roses in fairy tales, reveals its true complexity through the lens of reality. One undeniable facet that sets life apart from a utopian fantasy is TEMPTATION. As Christians, residing in this mortal coil, we are not exempt from the trials of temptation; it is a relentless companion on our journey of faith. Many great figures in scripture, including our progenitor Adam, fell victim to its allure, a testament to its enduring presence. But is temptation truly unconquerable for believers? No, it is not. In this article, we will delve into the nature of temptation, its effects, and the strategies to overcome it on our faith journey.

What is Temptation?

Temptation is an enticement or seduction towards something attractive or alluring. Interestingly, temptation is not confined to the realm of sin; it can manifest in seemingly virtuous forms, leading astray those who yield to it. Moreover, temptation exerts pressure on our thoughts, generating improper emotions that ultimately culminate in sinful actions. For instance, the seemingly harmless act of taking an extra piece of meat from the pot may, under temptation's influence, trigger a cascade of emotions that result in sin against God. Temptation can manifest even in what appears to be good, making it a formidable adversary. In the Bible, even our Lord Jesus Christ faced temptation, showcasing its multifaceted nature (Luke 4:3-4).

How Does Temptation Affect a Growing Christian?

Temptation exerts a profound influence on growing believers when succumbed to:

1. Enmity with God: The gravest consequence of yielding to temptation is the creation of enmity with God. Temptation leads to sin, and sin severs the believer's relationship with God. The story of Adam serves as a stark example, as his temptation-induced sin led to fear, separation, and punishment (Genesis 3:9-10).

2. Fear: Temptation breeds fear and a lack of self-confidence. When succumbing to temptation, individuals often experience apprehension and insecurity. Adam's fear of his nakedness after succumbing to temptation highlights this point (Genesis 3:10).

3. Punishment: Yielding to temptation opens the door to punishment. Just as a child faces consequences for stealing a piece of meat, succumbing to temptation brings about pain and sorrow. The aftermath of temptation often leads to tears and suffering.

How to Overcome Temptations as a Growing Christian

While temptation is inevitable, it is not insurmountable. Here are strategies to triumph over temptation on our journey of faith:

1. Prayer: The most crucial weapon against temptation is prayer. It is through prayer that we prepare ourselves for the spiritual battles that lie ahead. Prayer keeps us alert and spiritually equipped to face temptation (Matthew 26:41).

2. Studying, Meditating, and Confessing God's Word: Just as Jesus used the Word of God to counter temptation, we too can employ scripture as a powerful weapon. Knowing, believing, and confessing God's Word in our lives empowers us to withstand temptation (Luke 4:3).

3. Discipline: Discipline involves controlling one's thoughts, actions, and emotions. By exercising self-control in various aspects of life, such as finances, fashion, and dietary choices, we can fortify ourselves against the allure of temptation.

4. Careful Positive Thinking: Positive thinking helps us avoid thoughts that lead to temptation. Being discerning about our thought patterns enables us to sidestep the snares of temptation. We must remember that temptation can manifest in both good and bad forms.

5. Good Company: Associating with like-minded believers and trustworthy individuals aids in resisting temptation. The Bible admonishes against evil company corrupting good morals. Seek the company of those who uplift and support your faith.

6. Relying on the Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit serves as our guide and counselor in navigating the treacherous waters of temptation. Surrendering to His guidance and allowing Him to work within us elevates us above temptation.


In our journey of faith, all we need for a victorious life is found in God. Temptation, though inevitable, is not unconquerable. When faced with temptation, remember that in Christ, you are more than a conqueror. By employing prayer, relying on God's Word, practicing discipline, maintaining positive thinking, seeking good company, and yielding to the Holy Spirit's guidance, you can live a life of victory over temptation.
