Keeping Your Faith Strong in Difficult Times: When God Feels Far

Estimated Read Time: 3 minutes. 


Life is filled with difficulties and hard times, yet we are encouraged by the words of Jesus, who declared, "In this world, you will face difficulties and hard times, but cheer up because I have conquered the world for you" (Emphasis added). Difficulties are not our enemies but opportunities for growth.

Sometimes, during our most challenging moments, it may feel like God is distant, and His presence seems elusive. However, remember that hard times are temporary, but faith is eternal.

In this blog post, we will explore how to strengthen our faith, especially when it feels like God is far away.

Understanding Faith

Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as "the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." It's the foundation of a life worth living, a firm handle on the unseen.

Faith is the act of relying, trusting, hoping, and knowing that what you have yet to receive will come. It's total dependence on God to accomplish all things for you.

Faith may not always come easily to us, as we often desire to see tangible proof. However, faith requires one crucial element: hearing the truth. Romans 10:17 confirms that "faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God." You must listen to the truth, specifically the Word of God, to have faith.

How to Maintain Your Faith in Times of Trouble

Preserving your faith during challenging times is a demanding but crucial task for believers.

1. Avoid Fear: Fear is your faith's greatest adversary during tough times. Fear is often the result of fake things appearing real, leading to worry. It adds no value to your life and can make you lose focus. To maintain your faith, you must steer clear of fear.

2. Rely on God: Even when everything appears bleak, trust in the Lord with all your heart, and avoid leaning on your own understanding. Rely on God entirely to mend what needs fixing.

3. Be Positive: Positivity is essential during trials. Maintain a positive mindset about the situation, believing that it may take time but will eventually be resolved. Joseph's unwavering belief in the fulfillment of his dreams kept him going, even in challenging circumstances.

4. Continue Hearing God's Word: Faith is nurtured by hearing and meditating on the Word of God. In difficult times, immerse yourself in God's Word—read, speak, confess, believe, meditate, and pray in alignment with it.

5. Surround Yourself with Faith: Seek the company of people of faith as your partners and advisors. Job's faith was tested because he was surrounded by faithless companions. Maintain close relationships with fellow believers who will inspire your faith.


Strengthening your faith during difficult times requires intentionality and persistence. Even when God appears distant, stay sensitive to His presence and His voice. Trust and rely on Him. Keep listening for His guidance.

While this article offers guidance on maintaining faith during trials, remember that there are countless strategies not covered here. Faith is a journey, and God is always closer than you think. Stay faithful, trust in Him, and listen to His voice as you navigate through tough times.

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