Loving Your Enemies: The Radical Call of Jesus

Estimated Read Time: 2 minutes. 


Life is full of ups and downs, much like the balance of a scale where one side is elevated while the other is lowered. One inevitable challenge we face in life is dealing with enemies. Enemies are often perceived as those who harbor hatred and ill intentions towards us, and we might mistakenly believe they are witches, wizards, or individuals influenced by evil. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of enemies and how believers can respond to them, adhering to the teachings and example set by Jesus.

Who Is an Enemy?

An enemy, also referred to as a foe, is someone who demonstrates hostility, hatred, opposition, or an intention to cause harm to another person. Enemies are those who, for various reasons, want nothing to do with someone else. Enemies can be found in various aspects of life, including home, workplace, and even within the church and family. It may come as a surprise, but enemies can also exist in religious communities, as exemplified in the Bible.

For instance, in Numbers 16:1-3, a group of individuals opposed Moses and Aaron, challenging their leadership and God's divine plan. Enemies can be found in unexpected places, including within the church. They are individuals committed to opposing, persecuting, and inflicting pain on their victims. Despite their actions, Jesus calls all believers to love their enemies and pray for those who persecute them, as mentioned in Matthew 5:42.

How Do I Love My Enemies?

Loving your enemies may seem challenging, especially when they have wished harm upon you or caused you pain. However, through Christ's strength, we can overcome this difficulty. Philippians 4:13 reminds us that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. To love our enemies, we must follow the teachings of Jesus, which include:

1. Praying for Them: Praying for your enemies, even when they have caused you harm, is essential. Many times, our enemies act under the influence of the devil. By praying for them out of love rather than anger, we can help them break free from this malevolent influence. Just as you pray for yourself, include them in your daily prayers.

2. Responding in Love: Demonstrating love to your enemies can melt their hearts and lead to transformation. Responding in love can be powerful and can help bring out the best in your enemies, just as in the parable of the Good Samaritan, who assisted his injured enemy, an Israelite.

3. Maintaining a Good Attitude: Negative attitudes can fuel your enemies' strength and perpetuate the cycle of animosity. Avoid being harsh or confrontational with them. Instead, show kindness and use God's wisdom in your interactions.

4. Trusting the Holy Spirit: Dealing with enemies requires the guidance and assistance of the Holy Spirit. You cannot reach out to them with love, maintain a positive attitude, or respond effectively without the Holy Spirit's help. Rely on Him for the wisdom and strength you need to deal with your enemies.


Our real enemy is not who we often perceive them to be. The ultimate adversary is the devil, and we must remain vigilant against his schemes. Recognizing that those who act as enemies are influenced by the devil, we should extend our love and help to free them from this negative influence. It is the radical call of Jesus to love those who hate us, pray for them, maintain a positive attitude, and seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in our interactions with enemies.

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