Making a Difference: Being a Force for Good

Estimated Read Time: Three minutes. 


A common misconception is that making a difference in the world is an insurmountable task. However, this belief stems from the idea that change happens by chance, rather than through intentionality. In this article, we will explore how you can make a difference and become a force for good in the world.

Making a Difference

There are steps and principles you can follow to make a meaningful impact on the world.


The first step in making a difference is being intentional. Intentionality involves open-mindedness, deliberate planning, and taking voluntary action. It's a matter of the heart and is the key to creating change. Remember, being intentional is a personal endeavor; it's up to you to take the steps towards making a difference.


Discipline is the ability to focus, control oneself, submit to authority, and make sacrifices to gain mastery over a habit. Making a difference often requires going beyond our comfort zones, and discipline plays a vital role in this process. Learn to tame yourself to do things beyond the ordinary.


As the saying goes, "The failure to prepare is the preparation to fail." Adequate preparation through planning is essential for making a difference. Planning helps you anticipate both success and failure, allowing you to navigate challenges effectively.


Commitment is not limited to personal relationships. To make a difference in the world, commit to your own success, surround yourself with successful individuals, and dedicate yourself to endeavors that contribute to greatness.


Prayer is a powerful tool. It is crucial for anyone seeking to make a difference in the world. A person of prayer has the world at their fingertips. Cultivate a strong prayer life and establish a deep connection with God.

Closeness to God

Being a force for good in the world requires a strong connection to God. John 15:6 emphasizes that a separation from God leads to a lack of purpose. Having a close relationship with God is what sets you apart and empowers you to make a significant difference.


There are various ways to make a difference in the world, but discipline, intentionality, planning, and a strong connection to God stand out as some of the most effective approaches. Making a difference means going beyond the ordinary and leaving a positive mark on the world.

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