Created for a purpose

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 In recent times, I found myself thinking of the fact that could anything good come out of me?  The thoughts were so overwhelming that I began to question my existence. I'd ask and challenge myself, can I do anything right, why is there always criticism at the end of anything I do, why does it look like the world is against me.

Since this was all I was having to go through and face alone, I decided I would live life according to what life threw at me. After living in this hopelessness that nothing good could come out of me. I sat down and reflected on how much I have tried doing things by myself and wanted to see results immediately.

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In my reflection, I recognized that there was a need of me wanting to blow than to grow and so I began to look down on the little achievements I have attained and focused more on the things that I want to be but can't be yet.

While on the seat of reflection, I realized... what if I waited more to grow? Can a branch bear fruit except it abides with the vine? No. Ohh! I realized, there was a disconnection. A disconnection from my process, a disconnection from the source that would power light and ideas afresh. 

After the realization I had to sit back to make a decision. My life is not my own, deciding to stay out of the hands of my creator was not and is not an option because he is the one who knows me, owns me and created me.

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At this point I had to run back into his embrace and understand what he wanted for me in this season. All the creator would have me do is grow in my season.

There's a process in becoming fruitful, you have to be planted, rooted and nurtured for you to blossom. It is very important to stay till you can bare other fruits. Or are you like my other friend who had long fallen out of the branches and it seemed like there was no hope?

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Remember this, there is hope for a tree if at the scents of water it springs back to life again.What have you hoped for that seems impossible when the scents of water you need is Growth and waiting in your process.

Now is the time to reflect on what you have done previously and do better. What you have been doing wrong and you should quit.What you need to start doing is to become a better version of you. 

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And lastly strive to remain connected to your source so you can have a productive year. This is just a conclusion of the first month of the year. Ensure to take the remaining months seriously and always make out time to reflect on how to become a better version of you.

Have you been finding it difficult to set your goals for the year, you still have time to do that. Just create  time to reflect on who you want to be in the next five years and write down sincere reasons you'd need to become all of that. 

Creations, nations and the world is waiting earnestly for your manifestation, for the fruits that you'd bare and what taste it'd produce. I pray for us that we receive the grace and the strength that we need to bare all that God has created us to be.

"Don't wait to blow, but desire growth and wait for it" 

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